My Family Genealogy Pages

Featuring Ancestors in the UK, Canada and the US

Place List

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Top 30 largest localities (total places):

England (1,004)
Lancashire (858)
London (110)
Middlesex (102)
Surrey (87)
Yorkshire (82)
Cheshire (70)
Warwickshire (61)
Canada (52)
USA (40)
South Africa (40)
Kent (39)
Ontario (34)
Ireland (28)
Berkshire (23)
Northumberland (20)
Cumberland (19)
Hampshire (19)
Birmingham (15)
Scotland (15)
Worcestershire (12)
Norfolk (11)
Essex (11)
Isle Of Man (11)
Wales (11)
Suffolk (10)
Hertfordshire (10)
Sussex (10)
Staffordshire (9)
UK (9)
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